"Cake Cafe" is a family-owned, neighborhood bakery, and you are master chef in it.
Every day your bakeshop bakes the most sweet and delicious cakes and cupcakes.
"Cake Cafe" selling sweets and desserts for all tastes: chocolate cakes, fruit cakes, cakes with cherries and berries,
cheesecakes, cakes with kiwi, lemon pies, cakes with nuts, cakes, candy, cake glaze, sponge cakes, honey cake,
cakes and ice-cream. Also in the bakery there are many kinds of ice cream, milk shake, juices, coffee, teas and other beverages.
Your task is as quickly as possible prepare orders of visitors. Also you can collect achievements.
Enjoy the game!
"Cake Cafe" adalah lingkungan toko roti milik keluarga, dan Anda menguasai koki di dalamnya.
Setiap hari bakeshop Anda bakes paling kue manis dan lezat dan cupcakes.
"Cake Cafe" menjual permen dan makanan penutup untuk semua selera: kue coklat, kue buah, kue dengan ceri dan buah,
Cheesecake, kue dengan kiwi, lemon kue, kue dengan kacang, kue, permen, kue glasir, kue bolu, kue madu,
kue dan es krim. Juga di toko roti ada banyak jenis es krim, susu kocok, jus, kopi, teh dan minuman lainnya.
Tugas Anda adalah secepat mungkin menyiapkan pesanan pengunjung. Anda juga dapat mengumpulkan medali.
Menikmati permainan!
"Cake Cafe" is a family-owned, neighborhood bakery, and you are master chef in it.
Every day your bakeshop bakes the most sweet and delicious cakes and cupcakes.
"Cake Cafe" selling sweets and desserts for all tastes: chocolate cakes, fruit cakes, cakes with cherries and berries,
cheesecakes, cakes with kiwi, lemon pies, cakes with nuts, cakes, candy, cake glaze, sponge cakes, honey cake,
cakes and ice-cream. Also in the bakery there are many kinds of ice cream, milk shake, juices, coffee, teas and other beverages.
Your task is as quickly as possible prepare orders of visitors. Also you can collect achievements.
Enjoy the game!